Weekend at a Glance: And the Greatest of These is Love #92

Over the weekend, love permeated through my social media accounts. Graduations, babies, weddings, family gatherings - all of the things that make the heart smile. I felt the love and happiness through my computer screen.I've had the pleasure of spending quality time with my not so little cousin Marcha these past two months in Atlanta. This girl is something else. She loves her family, loves herself and laughs a lot. She's inquisitive and isn't afraid to go after what she wants. She has funny sayings like "tough business" and "yaaassss GaGa". She is intelligent and pretty much amazing. For this short period of time, her presence really made me happy.Processed with VSCOcam with c1 presetI took her to my favorite park, Piedmont, and we people-watched. We witnessed two weddings, men working out, families walking their pets and this one random guy singing about perverted things. All in all, a beautiful day in the neighboorhood. As my cousin hit me with a plethora of questions on what she should do with her life (to which I responded with questions because I never tell people what to do with their lives), I pondered on love.I don't love easily because I love forever. And forever is a long time to have love for someone you no longer like. Love is a serious thing, you know? But we all need it. None of us can live without it. And according to ancient texts, it is the greatest of all things. You can have everything but if you do not have love, you possess nothing at all.Marcha says she admires me for a lot of reasons. She actually gave me a going away speech that alllllmost made me cry. But in reality, I admire her. She loves wholeheartedly and I envy that. She is beautiful inside and out.marchamarchamarchaThis post is dedicated to my lovely cousin. To your new journey. May be it filled with challenges that grow you. May your gift inspire others. May you continue to be bold in love. Love you cousin.


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