Better days

better daysThe last few days have been nothing short of a magnificent blur. So I started my new internship with Caren West PR on Wednesday and boy, they did not hesitate to get us to work. And I love it. So far, the experience has been more than I could have imagined. There are four total Publicity Assistants and we're all surprisingly Taurses (as is our boss, Caren West).I'll write more about what I'm learning along the way but I just wanted to drop in with a weekend note. I also wanted to apologize in advance for any sporadic posts to come. Still getting a hang of this new schedule.If you're in Atlanta and looking for something to do, Atlanta Streets Alive is this Sunday. I'll be volunteering with MODA. Come see me.Eat, drink and be merry.


Weekend at a Glance: And the Greatest of These is Love #92


Visual Artist Christina Kwan of Tide & Bloom