Thanksgiving Thuggin': Outfit for a Fall Day


sweatpants from HMYesterday I had the best Thanksgiving dinner EVER. I was super shocked to find out that it was all made by a man. Not to say that men can't cook. It was so "slap your momma" good that I assumed a woman made it. Boy, was I wrong. And now I want to take cooking lessons from him and/or marry him.sweatpants from HMsweatpants from HMI mentioned my sweaterpants in my last post and how much I love them. No seriously, I love these pants. They're so comfortable.sweatpants from HMI felt that the only thing this outfit was missing was a scully. You know, to complete my thug look.sweatpants from HMsweatpants from HMsweatpants from HMDon't you hate when style bloggers post all of their good pics? Like, why can't they just choose three shots and call it a day? Tuh. :)I hope you had a marvelous Thanksgiving.miss lucy


Style Spotlight: Channing Hargrove


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