Never too busy--the challenge deets

Alrighty folks, below is the list. Laugh at some of them. But make sure you DO IT!!! Remember, this is all about making time for things you like to do. Hey, lets call it "the art of being less busy". Why not. And you may not like to do the things on this list. By all means, substitute it for something else. I kinda worked this list around my schedule. I also tried to keep you Greys Anatomy folks in mind, lol. But the gist of this whole thing is to make time for each and every thing for 31 days.I will post the first thing in the morning each day, elaborating on the tasks of the day. Got it? Good. Lets go.

  • Day One: People watch.
  • Day Two: Clean your room.
  • Day Three: Attend a networking event (or networking with someone).
  • Day Four: Research a topic you've always wanted to know more about.
  • Day Five: Read a few chapters from your favorite book or (like me) a book you haven't completed yet.
  • Day Six: Brainstorm/strategize. Write out your future.
  • Day Seven: Take one thing off your "to do" list that you’ve been avoiding.
  • Day Eight: Take a silly picture of yourself and explain how you were feeling at the moment.
  • Day Nine: Make a new dish.
  • Day Ten: Work on a creative project.
  • Day Eleven: Rent a funny movie and laugh uncontrollably.
  • Day Twelve: Introduce yourself to someone new. Start a conversation with them.
  • Day Thirteen: Get me bodied! Dance to your favorite song.
  • Day Fourteen: Create a vision board.
  • Day Fifteen: No social media (No twitter, no facebook).
  • Day Sixteen: Do a community service activity.
  • Day Seventeen: Go out for ice cream.
  • Day Eighteen: Sell some old stuff/de-clutter.
  • Day Nineteen: Play a board game.
  • Day Twenty: Meditate.
  • Day Twenty-One: Do something daring.
  • Day Twenty-two: Take a bath.
  • Day Twenty-three: Make a youtube video.
  • Day Twenty-four: Listen to music you wouldn't normally listen to.
  • Day Twenty-Five: Ask someone out on a date.
  • Day Twenty-Six: Call someone you haven’t spoken to in a long time.
  • Day Twenty-Seven: Create a budget for the weekend.
  • Day Twenty-Eight: Learn a few new words in a language other than your native tongue.
  • Day Twenty-Nine: Create a wish list or bucket list.
  • Day Thirty: Have a conversation with someone of another race/gender/culture/religion/political view etc, and be open to their perspective.
  • Day Thirty-One:Create a list of 31 things you’re grateful for.

Never too busy: day one


"Never too busy" challenge