Weekend at a glance: sunshine & goodtimes #19

This past weekend was filled with fun times but a little sad. One of my good friends left for a work trip far far away so I had dinner with him on Friday. BTW, use your Scoutmob discount for Chef Rob's. So good! And so it began...SaturdayMy good friend Kalina and I enjoyed the beautiful weather in Atlanta and we head out to Little Five Points in East Atlanta. We realized that we're not good thrift shoppers. :-/ We used Scoutmob again (can you tell how complete these deals have made me?!) for lunch at Luna Nueva. Realization: I don't really like authentic Mexican food. Only Tex-Mex for me. 

Lil photo shoot by the graffiti: H&M clutch and cropped tank; Target wedges and jeggings

Dashed home for a quick change, then off to my friend Mishael's going away dinner. Congrats my friend!!! She's the 5th from the right. I LOVE MY FRIENDS!!!!

SundayIn honor of the first day of Spring, Rita's Italian Ice gave away one free Italian ice to customers. Mine was sooo good! Strawberry banana. Yum!

Thrifted dress, Target pumps

I also attending a food tasting by an up and coming chef named Kevin Allen. He's only 22! I was very impressed by the creativity of his food. AND, I had escargot for the first time! Pretty tasty.
That was about it. I hope you enjoyed your weekend and happy Monday!!!

Mix and match: a pop of pink


FBFF: finding the balance