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Weekend at a glance: it feels like summer #70

SaturdayDespite working overtime most of the weekend, I had a pleasant Saturday with friends. I finally got my butt up early and off to church service at Berean Seventh Day Adventist Church. Although I'm indifferent to a lot of the traditions in the SDA faith, I do miss the worship. The SDA hymnal really is a cut above the rest. But more than the music, I want to leave church feeling as though I learned something. And Pastor Russell always does that. As infrequently as I visit, each time I go, I leave with a great message tailored just for me.This past Sabbath, he started a new series called Simple Church - Part 1: Community.  Of course I would love that, lol.

There's always this quest...to be in community with people. We all have a need to know people fully...but we all have a need to be known by other people. We're so into "us" that we don't understand community.

How is it that you can be surrounded by so many people and still feel lonely? He begins by saying he doesn't have a solution to this problem.Wait.......I just found the ENTIRE sermon on YouTube. Will you look at God already?! Yeessh. Technology is amazing. Let me know if you see me in the third row, center :DAnyway, I won't try to summarize what he said. I love how Russell preaches and teaches the Word. Just watch.After church, I met up with a few friends at Paschal's for Rashad's birthday celebration. No shade to Drake but new friends are equally as good as old friends. Old or new, I enjoy being around good energy, genuine and kind-hearted people. And of course, a Sabbath isn't complete without a photo-op. At least not with these guys, lol. We had a blast.P1030649_2 P1030667_2_2SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESphotophoto (1)PicMonkey Collage2SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESOh. And wasn't the full moon this weekend AMAZING!!! Probably one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESmiss lucy