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Weekend at a glance: friendsies #59

I have this thing where I can hang out with certain people 24/7. Only a few though. This weekend, I literally spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday with my FRIENDSIES Tara and Marcia. We don't get on each others nerves. We just watch tv, get on our laptops and laugh randomly at how Marcia and I are Taurus twins. Very refreshing.


After our impromptu girls night on Friday, we decided to go to the park on Saturday.

Of course they were fashionably late so I stopped in Flying Biscuit to smash some food really quick.

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P.S. Generally, I do not ask my female friends to take my outfits posts. I'm always greeted with groans and eyerolls. #BloggerGirlProblems #HelpASisterOut But these gals are always good sports. Thank yous!

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Gotta love the erratic Georgia weather. One minute its sunny skies, the next thunderstorms. Sure enough, we had about an hour before the clouds covered the sky and sprinkled on our lovely natural hairs.


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Still in my 28 random acts of kindness mode. The Atlanta ambassador for Black Girls Run, Adrienne, decided to host a 5K for her 32nd birthday. I didn't think much of it. I used to do Aids Walk Atlanta all the time. Nooope. Not the same. We literally ran THROUGH the city. Umm...challenging! It actually wasn't that bad. We did it in less than an hour and I felt GREAT. Not so much today. Today, I feel like death.

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miss lucy