Weekend at a glance: celebo sightings #20

I had an amazing weekend that wasn't photographed for the most part. So therefore, I will leave that out. But thank you, TDK.What I will say is......I FINALLY GOT TO COP A FEEL ON HILL HARPER!!! If you didn't know, I love me some Hill. He spoke at my school a year ago. I had my book ready for him to sign. I got to the front of the line and then he said he had to leave. I considered mailing my book to him but decided against. Not only would that be too much, it might have gotten lost in the mail. Can't have that. But anyway, yes, I got to feel him and smell him. Yesss.Actually, I wasn't planning on seeing Hill (mhmm, we're on first name basis now). I was attending the Listening party for Marsha Ambrosious, hosted by the Lexus Listening Lounge. I made it in time just to hear her beautiful voice sing one last song. So late.

And theeeeen, my friend told me that India Arie was there so I had to get close enough to get a look at my favorite female musical artist of all time! I was so close, yet so far.

Last but certainly not least, Mr. Hill Harper. My heart is beating just looking at his handsome face :D

I just wish I was there from the beginning. Till next time.


Weekend at a glance: il bel far niente #21


Mix and match: a pop of pink