Weekend at a glance: all play #34
WHAT A PERFECT WEEKEND!!!!!!! I'll try my best not to make this super long.FridayI took the day off. It was a much-needed mental health day. I'm pretty sure I wasted my morning in bed. I conquered some of my to-do list. I met up with my friend Mishael in L5P for a spell. Then I had lunch with my friends Bessie and Nikita (whom I was meeting for the first time in person). Love how Twitter brings me closer to good people. FYI: McCormicks & Schmick's, NOT yummy. Then my cousin invited me to happy hour at her job and you know what that meeeeans!!!!!After I was thoroughly filled, I rushed home to change. Met up at Canoe Restaurant for my friend Shay's 25th birthday dinner. Umm....all I can say is $4.95 for WATER.Then my boo and godbabymama slept over and we drank until we fell asleep.SaturdayWhen we finally left the house, we headed straight for food. Sweet Melissa's in Downtown Decatur was really good for brunch.After our day together, I rushed home again to change for the Sara Bareilles concert..................the night I anticipated. Ok. I got a little lost and missed two of her songs. She really must've started singing exactly at 8pm. But I thought okay no biggie. I sat down to hear her saying that it would be her LAST song (Gravity). Granted it is my favorite song but LAST SONG?! I had no idea she was only opening (and hosting) for Sugarland!!!! Tears formed in my eyes as the reality of what was happening sunk in. I was surrounded by strangers at a concert, by myself. In that brief moment, I really felt alone, and stupid. I even thought about getting up and leaving but I stopped myself. I paid good money to sit close to the front. I gavw myself a pep-talk (in my head) and decided to change my attitude. As soon as I did that, things changed. I enjoyed Sara's last song and THOROUGHLY enjoyed Sugarland's concert. So much so that I'm buying their albums.
Pleeeease watch this video. The most hilarious part of the night.[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-F5W6fNUod4]SundayLazy day. Only left the house to attend the King of Pops Field Day. It was really fun. Free pops. Games. FOOD TRUCKS. Live music by the band. I.O.Z. Just a really nice day.
And I didn't break the bank. Score.