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Weekend at a glance: a day at the park #22

I can't wait to get my new laptop so that I can write more posts. I have so many unfinished thoughts jotted on paper and scattered in notes on my phone. I just can't find the time to write. It's been a challenge yet none the less, I give you nice pictures of my weekend for now. Mkay? :)It was a beautiful sunny day in Atlanta this weekend. I was excited to spend it with one of my good friends who recently came back from an exciting work trip in Austria. I'll be in his suitcase on the next trip. Anyway, we started the day off with breakfast at Thumbs Up diner in my neck of the woods. How did I not know that Downtown Decatur is right in my back yard??? Scratch that, how have I been living in Atlanta 11 years and never visited this Decatur??? Shame. But it's ok now because I feel in love with the area and now I know how to manuever into the city without taking the highway. Yay me.I ended up at the park with some of my church friends. Great way to wrap up my lovely day. Kudos to MiMi for my pictures. Thank ya boo.                                

  The cutest little bug that you ever did see!

        Beloved college tank, Target bag, boyfriend jeans and sandals. Coach sunglasses.