Weekend at a glance: 8 things that haitians do #84

West-Indian people are some of the most intriguing and amusing folks I know.Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetYou need the truth? Ask someone from the islands.Speaking of truth, there are some things that Haitians, in particular, do, that really give me pause.---Have too much pride when they really need to humble themselves, sometimes. You're not all that. TUH.---Scold you if you don't address their friends in public. And by address, I mean you have to kiss them on the cheek. Not just your aunty, not just your uncle, EVERYONE WHO IS PRESENT. I see Americans participating in this trend now. It ain't new, boo boo.---Clean every meat with hot water first. Obligatory. Burns the germs, I guess. I dunno, I just do.Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset---Never trust anyone that isn't family. Because....having friends is not a good thing.---Humilate you with just one stare.---Drink ginger tea for every ailment.Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset---Go to everyone's funeral and be legit sad about it.lastly, but most importantly....---Take pictures by foliage of any kind.Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetWhat y'all got???P.S. Saw this video and was cracking up.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ryS0izaQmc

Weekend at a glance:

Friday Night Jazz at the High MuseumOne Day in January at Auburn Avenue Research LibraryWinters are hard. Everyone is hibernating. If you know something cool happening in Atlanta in the future, shoot me an email and I'll feature it: info[at]lucyspearls[dot]com.


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Embracing Uncertainty & Accepting Fear