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Traits of a Taurus

traits of a taurus

I didn't really get into horoscopes until this year. After reading the demise of a relationship from beginning to end, I was very intrigued. After doing some research on several different sites, I must say that this sign describes me completely. Just thought I'd share some facts about Taureans like myself.

Traits of a Taurus

The Taurus is usually very well liked. This is because [s]he is not critical or judgmental of others, instead [s]he would like for those in her sphere of influence to be themselves so [s]he can do the same. A Taurean is usually very tolerant and would always prefer a more peaceful and harmonious lifestyle at home and at work.

The problem with the resolute nature of the Taurus is that they are often unwilling to listen to the opinions of others once [s]he has made a decision. This can make it difficult to work or live with the Taurus in times of change.

Many Taureans have problems with egoism and the need to be in control. As such, the Taurus does not like to be challenged in any way of his/her thinking.

The Taurus is generally very generous and giving, so [s]he is often taken advantage of. As a result, early in life the Taurus develops a suspicious nature and remains suspicious, even of those who are close to them. A typical Taurus gets along well with others but finds it difficult to trust anyone, even those in his/her own family, for fear of being taken advantage of. His/her suspicions often make it difficult for him/her to forgive those who have wronged him/her.

Ruled by Venus, the planet of love, Taurus tends to like being lost in physical pleasures, comfort, love and passion. The Taurus is often misunderstood when it comes to love. Many see the Taurus from the outside and assume that they simply go through the motions of being in love or being in a relationship, yet the Taurus is so much more than meets the eye. It is a very sensual sign when it comes to love. Deep down the Taurus is an intense lover just waiting for all of the signs that it is safe to love and that the love will be returned. A Taurus is someone who needs to feel loved but will only open up if they feel safe and even pampered. When showered with affection and shown the signs that love is blossoming, the Taurus will turn into the lover of all lovers. Once a Taurus is in love everyone better watch out. A Taurus is either all in or not at all. The result is that the Taurus will often become possessive and will want to occupy all of the time of the person that they love.That being said, Taureans do not fall in love easily and fast, and even if they do they take their time to analyze the situation. This is someone who will do a list of pros and cons of this relationship before revealing feelings and completely giving in. (haaaa! so true! i have done it many times)For Taurus, love has to be based on honesty and loyalty. But once Taureans are committed it is clear that they just could not imagine their lives without love.Taurus believes that sex should go hand-in-hand with love, one night stands is not their thing. They don’t consider physical encounters to be a game, for them it is something that must come naturally and based on true feelings.People born under this sign often feel attracted to those who are physically attractive and confident about themselves. But that does not mean that Taurus is vain when picking his/her partner. On the contrary, this sign looks for a combination of physical and spiritual beauty.The final requirement and probably the most essential one is absolute faithfulness as Taurus hardly ever forgets and forgives once he/she has been betrayed.This sign neither forgives nor forgets cheating so once you have cheated on Taurus, say goodbye to the dream lover you once knew.Taurus doesn’t end relationship quickly; it takes a lot of time to decide whether to end it or not. Although, once the decision is made, Taurus never looks back.

You will not find a more dedicated person than a Taurus, so long as the love is reciprocated. Yet, a Taurus is not someone who will jump into a relationship with both feet. Instead, they need a courtship that is slow and builds over time. Many a person has fallen for a Taurus simply because they did not give up on trying to establish a relationship with them. Of course, the Taurus is one of the most loyal people that you will ever meet, so those who have a wandering eye or have a penchant for cheating should not even get involved with a Taurus because it simply will not work. A Taurus is one that will walk away if their partner cannot be loyal and they will do it no questions asked.

Positive and Negative Taurus Traits

POSITIVE TRAITS  Patient and reliable  Warmhearted and loving  Persistent and determined  Placid and security loving NEGATIVE TRAITS  Jealous and possessive  Resentful and inflexible  Self-indulgent and greedy

Taurus Likes: permanency, stability, luxury, comfort, pleasure and good foodTaurus Dislikes: disruption, being rushed, being indoors, being pushed too hard and any break in routineTaureans are realistic, security loving (both on the material and psychological level). In order to obtain this kind of security, they use all their qualities of resistance, quietness, patience and practical intelligence. Most people with Taurus prominent have a deep, powerful, or melodious voice.

Taurus Star Sign Traits

The Taurus will usually have a tight close circle of friends with similar traits as their own. They are often loyal, faithful and warm-hearted towards their friends and loved ones. They are quiet, placid and gentle. They are slow to anger and avoid ill feeling but can explode if provoked.Taurus loves the finer things in life, often surrounding themselves with luxuries. They are also lovers of good food and wine but do have the tendency to over-indulge if they're not careful.They love beauty, art and music and often have a talent for these.Those seeking stability in their lives can't go wrong with a Taurus.Yup, I love my sign.