The truth is...

...I can't do it all. As much as I'd like to give of myself when an opportunity arises, I've realized that I'm wearing myself too thin.I was reading Funkidivagirl's post on her lack of blog entries and I felt the SAME way! Not just burnt out but stressed. My life has become a balancing act of responsibility. Oh to be a child again. Well, not really. Being an adult has its perks. But too much going on is starting to become a bad thing for me. Here's why:Full Time JobAll my bloggers know that blogging is really a full-time job. To be successful and really good at it, you have to dedicate a lot of time. I often wondered how the people whose blogs I follow find the time to write every single day and it's always a good post. I found out that many of them do not have traditional day jobs or work for themselves. I tried having a different themed post five days a week and other bloggers told me I was crazy lol. Now I see it as a bit of insanity but I like to keep my readers interested.ProjectsI haaaate being bored. I simply abhor it. So the more things I can find to do, the better it is for me. "Idle hands are the devil's workshop" is what I used to hear growing up. And there's so many causes that I'm interested in helping where I can. In the end, I gather too much on my plate. I need to do better at saying NO.PersonalI love hanging out with my friends. I'm so glad that I have a whole diverse group of friends that I can hang out with at different times for different occasions. The only down fall to having a large diverse group of friends means hanging out....a lot. Which means there's not much time to sleep. I can sleep when I'm dead, right? But what if I'm speeding up the process? -__-I don't have all the answers. Sometimes I need advice from my oh so experienced readers. How do you handle your stressful moments?


My first giveaway: MAC


Bald as a south african beauty