The Swag Wedding


I'm not sure how the word for my friend's fourth of July wedding became #Swag but I mean everybody used it. After a somewhat chaotic weekend (bridal shower, bachelorette and wedding all in one weekend), the ceremony was absolutely beautiful. Although weddings may not be for everyone, I'm glad it turned out to be everything that Nadine and Eddy could ever imagine. Cheers to the new couple.*photos courtesy of moi and from albums I stole from Facebook*

I can't wait to see the professional photos! Click here to watch their wedding trailer.Here is the link to the professional photos:http://www​.scobeypho​tography.c​om/blog/20​11/07/marr​ied-nadine​-and-eddy/


Weekend at a glance: a brown theme #28


Unraveled, unrefined, untitled