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Songstresses with Powerful Lyrics

Give me a song with lyrics about real life, pain and sorrow, and I'll play the record incessantly. Music has the power to make you feel emotions and desire situations that are probably foreign to you. You ever notice how you'll listen to a sad song, totally happy about your place in life mind you, and it has the power to completely shift your mood? I consider myself a happy sad person. I love sadness. I love it because to be sad, you have to dig deep within you to reveal emotion. When you're sad, your thoughts and conversations cannot be shallow. So whether it's a good sad song or one of inspiration and longing, I rock with it because it's meaningful.There are four albums in particular that I can literally listen to from beginning to end without skipping once. These albums belong to artists that all happen to be women with unique voices. What do these they all have in common besides their beautiful voices? Powerful lyrics.Songstresses with powerful lyrics


LAURA MVULAI remember a friend of mine sending me a song by Laura Mvula. Being a sucker for creative visuals, I was drawn to her music video. It wasn't until I saw her live last year did I really begin to appreciate the masterpiece that is her album, Sing To The Moon. You guys....really. Imagine being in a secret garden filled with precious little fairies that dance around your head, sprinkling fairy dust and singing in 12-part harmony. Her music is magic. Laura is truly an artist that hears colors and brings them to life through her music. Her lyrics paints leave you feeling optimistic and free.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qWuKSGii8oEMILY KINGI first learned of this native New Yorker through a PJ Morton concert back in 2008. Then, her sound was very soulful. A few years ago, she came out with an EP called Seven and I fell in love. No seriously. Emily's voice is like the effects of Vick's vapor rub after a long night of being unable to breathe. Her voice is soothing and refreshing. Seeing her perform last year was probably the best show of 2014 because not only do her lyrics ring true, they align with her spirit. You just know every word comes straight from the heart.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DbeYbcZAJELIANNE LA HAVASNow this British babe is a powerhouse in a tiny package. I can't recall how I was introduced to her music but I'm eternally grateful. She put on an amazing show a few years ago. Delivered in a raspy tone, Lianne's lyrics are piercingly honest. Remember in Sex and the City when Miranda told Steve "YOU BROKE US! I changed who I was for you."? Remember that feeling? Yeah. That scene is what Lianne's music reminds me of: it's emotional and real.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CZNY52Jf60EMELI SANDEHer lyrics are reminiscent of tear-stained journal entries from your 20s come to life. Like when you finally got a chance to sit down and analyze your feelings and you wrote and wrote and wrote. Her lyrics are reflective of events past. Her lyrics have nothing but the truth, the humble truth.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OHX_PA25OkI don't keep many albums on my phone but these four ladies and their music will always be available when I need a listen. Just thought I'd share some of my favorite artists with powerful lyrics with you. If you've never heard of them before, you're welcome and enjoy.