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Sharpie slam: an art battle

Last week, Digital Atlanta hosted an event called "Sharpie Slam: A Live Art Battle" at The Sound Table. Digital Atlanta (formerly Social Media Atlanta) is a weeklong conference covering various social media and new media topics. This year, all the events were FREE 99. But since most of the events were being held during work hours, I was only able to attend and volunteer for this one. Very happy I did because I had loads of fun and met some really nice ladies.The purpose of the event:Two teams comprised of several Atlanta artist had 90 minutes to draw on two canvases. Their tools were Sharpie markers. So clever. The winning team won $500.[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jf0s6hYRi8&feature=youtu.be]And because of copyrights, I can't attach individual photos. Ugh. But here they are. Enjoy.