Rest in peace, Fifie

I honestly don't want to post anything right now. Every time I try to write something, I cry. I just want to acknowledge the life Fifie Desir lived. At least from my perspective.I didn't really know her too well. We grew up in the same church in Florida. I moved to Atlanta. She and her family also moved to Atlanta and attended my new church. Her family was hilarious. A theatrical bunch. They always performed poems and were very much a family that loved each other.I don't think anyone could say anything wrong about Fifie. She was always nice and welcoming and really loved the Lord. From time to time, I would see a status from her come across my Facebook timeline. I'd always click on her photos because she sure knew how to do some makeup. And boy did I welcome the tips. I would never have imagined how someone so bubbly suffered, from epilepsy, no less.Again, I was not close to her but I knew her and what I knew was always positive. To now go through her Facebook page and read how the Devil was giving her family hell really breaks my heart even more. Yet, from the outside looking in, you would never know. She always kept a smile on her face.66774_10151486465055450_646494950_n58394_470548245449_2252548_n304572_10150372997145450_1889291097_n312103_10150372996755450_507161799_n527875_10151052629410450_1001311690_nI honestly don't have any words. I'm just rambling. It just breaks my heart to see the young go so soon.Funny how God puts angels on Earth but for a short time...She leaves behind a mother, father, brothers, a sister, a husband, family and friends.To you, I say, rest and in peace, beautiful. No more pain.Well done.miss lucy


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