Ramblings on Finding "The One"

A friend and I were discussing Valentine's Day and how everyone on Twitter was on an emotional rollercoaster. From the people so happy to receive flowers (from a man or from themselves) to the ones who couldn't bear to even be online. I was excited this year because I finally asked someone to "be mine" (Which didn't turn out to be so. I'm pretty sure I got played lol). In the end, I had an amazing time with my female friends.Why is it that we let society give so much importance on holidays? Do we not show love on February 15? Are we any less greedy by eating turkey the day after Thanksgiving? Do we love Jesus any less if we don't say happy birthday December 25? None of these holidays are important. It really is just for public acknowledgment. And folks on Twitter expressed how they really felt about Valentine's Day and love, good and bad.I wouldn't call myself a hopeless romantic (although I love love movies). It's hard for me to believe that people will naturally do right by one person, forever. Therefore, the notion of "the one" doesn't seem realistic to me. My friend (who is in a committed relationship) said that society and culture has forced us to be monogamous and I completely agree. At least many people try to be monogamous. Because that's what society says is the "right" thing to do. Others could care less for monogamy. It requires a lot of discipline, respect and love for the other person. And possibly patience. Otherwise, people give up. People cheat. Thus, our high divorce rates.I'm sure folks reading this are thinking that I'm one of those girls who doesn't ever want to be married, with three kids, a white picket fence and a dog. You're probably right. I'm pretty sure I hate animals and I haven't found someone who has given me the desire to give birth (too many episodes of A Baby Story). I don't want my "happily ever after" to be a fairytale or what Disney or society says my life should be. Granted, I'm a girl and I do want a family but not on everyone else's time. Or not because I'm almost in my late 20's. Only when the time is right. You can't rush love. Try it and you'll end up with a mess on your hands.I wrote all of that to say that Valentine's Day won't make anyone get any closer to a happy ending with "the one". I'm not even sure if "the one" exists but there sure are plenty of those that aren't "the one" out there. So, be careful!


FBFF: Body Image


Weekend at a glance: pt 2 #15