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Panic or Anxiety

I'm very friendly with WEBMD. I love to use that website to diagnosis myself whenever I feel some discomfort. Lately, I feel like I'm having either a panic attack or an anxiety attack. I never really knew the difference until I read up on it today (I decided to give WEBMD a break and trust my good friend Google). I remember sometime last year I had really bad insomnia followed by what felt like a panic and/or anxiety attack. Now they've come back. It could be because I have a lot of my plate, I'm not sure but I'm NOT cool with it.Here's what I've read about the difference between a panic and an anxiety attack:ANXIETY:An anxiety attack is when something bad happens to you or you’re thinking about something bad and you get really anxious. You can get so anxious that you might even have some physical symptoms. For example, you might get shaky, your heart might race, or you might get short of breath. An anxiety attack can last anywhere from a few minutes to a few days. The main feature of an anxiety attack is that you are worrying about something in your LIFE (for example, relationships, work, school, money).PANIC:A panic attack on the other hand comes on all of a sudden, out of the blue for no reason at all, and it’s all about your BODY or your MIND. You suddenly feel like you must be having a heart attack (or a stroke, or passing out, or choking, or vomiting, or going crazy, or losing all control) because your heart is racing, you’re short of breath, you may have nausea or tightness in your throat, and you’re shaking. A panic attack comes on within ten minutes, but can last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. The main feature of a panic attack is that you are worrying about your BODY or your MIND right then and there, rather than worrying about something in your life. Most people with panic attacks have gone to an emergency room at least once to make sure nothing physical was going on.Ok.......so is it possible to have symptoms of BOTH attacks?! YES. Do I want to be having either? NO.Now what do I do next............?