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Naked Pt. 1

how to be transparentSo Friday night I attended a spoken word presentation at Destiny Metropolitan Worship Church by Destinations. It was called "Naked". At first I was really confused as to what I was about to experience. But as the show went on, I realized it really didn't have a sexual connotation at all (well, some parts were sexual but that wasn't the overall message). In this context, being naked reveals one's true self that is often hidden. It is full disclosure, no secrets, no cover ups. Da Wise One said that a lot of times people say they are real, but use that as an excuse to continue being real WRONG. Saying that you're "keeping it real", "keeping it 100", or just "real talk", is only excuses for people to say "yea, I'm doing x, y, and z, take me or leave me" and never have to be held accountable for their wrong doing. Being naked says "I'm flawed, I acknowledge it and I want to change". Being naked allows you to reveal your flaws and actually work towards correcting them. I loved that. It was said that so many times people love to talk about how they've made it through their trials but never what happened, for fear that people will look down on them.Well, I'm not scared anymore.  It's time I get naked.