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Lucy's Pearls Travels: London, England

london ukI was given the opportunity to fly to London, England to vacation with my Nigerian family. I will forever be grateful to them for being ever so hospitable to me and for showing me a good time. Despite some bumps in the beginning (having my flight cancelled, missing one day from my trip and being detained by immigration for three hours), I was determined to enjoy my stay. But for sure, Delta will never hear great things from my lips!I didn't want to look or act like a tourist so I didn't visit most of the places typical of Americans like The Buckingham Palace. Instead, I focused on observing the people who surrounded me and tried to compare their culture to American culture. Here are a few of my random observations:

  1. There were no trash cans anywhere! I guess we Americans liter too much.
  2. Lots of elderly people taking the bus. In America, our elderly drive brand new cars. Why? IDK!
  3. The houses reminded me of New Jersey style architechture.
  4. The weather was partly cold and dreary upon arrival, which I hear is typical.
  5. All the different areas (i.e. Liester Square vs times Square and train station) reminded me of NYC.
  6. I was expecting to see more beautiful people. Judge me harshly.
  7. Food tasted very light. Almost diety. Even McDonalds was fresh.
  8. People are not friendly. Got the whole NYC vibe again.
  9. I expected to see more fashion forward people on the streets. Not at all.
  10. Our American dollars mean nothing to them. But hey, they get free healthcare.
  11. I noticed a lot of young people with children. Ahhh, just like home.
  12. Everyone has to ride on the right side of the escalator OR ELSE.
  13. Oxford Street looks like SOHO in NYC. Who copied who???
  14. Cars are all compact. Space must be reeeally important.

There was really not enough time to enjoy all that London had to offer but the time I spent with the people I care for was a time well spent. Thanks for the memories.Enjoy the pictures! :)london uklondon uklondon uklondon uklondon uklondon uklondon uklondon uklondon uklondon uklondon uklondon uklondon uk