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Love Yourself

mastin kipp daily loveI was reading The Daily Love this morning and the topic was about love, of course. In the post entitled  'Do You Know What Love Is?', they define love as "UNCONDITIONAL acceptance of what is". They go on to say that " if we can't accept something as it is, it's VERY difficult to change or transform it." And transformation is essentially the goal. When you love yourself enough to accept your flaws, you love yourself enough to work on changing them. The love must be there.

The idea is to ACCEPT how you are with NO changes. This is the starting point of transformation.

This is the part of the post that I really like: application.We are asked to complete a phrase mentioning one (or more) of our perceived flaws. What is the one thing that you will learn to accept about yourself today? I'll start."Even though I _____________, I completely and totally love myself."• Even though I am an emotional wreck, I completely and totally love myself.• Even though I drool when I'm extremely tired and make my pillow stink, I completely and totally love myself. :)• Even though I care too much sometimes, I completely and totally love myself.• Even though I can be very lazy, I completely and totally love myself.• Even though I over think and over analyze everything, I completely and totally love myself.• Even though I worry, I completely and totally love myself.• Even though I have moments of insecurity, I completely and totally love myself.• Even though I doubt, I completely and totally love myself.• Even though I am irrational and bull-headed at times, I completely and totally love myself.Whew!!!!!!Now, it's your turn. Be honest with yourself.