
I follow this lovely lady on Instagram because she has THE most adorable kids, especially her baby girl, Elena. Not only do I enjoy e-watching her children grow up, but this momma has skills. With a background in interiors, Kera Thompson creates unique artisan designs for the home at her shop, Interwoven. And I'm talking beautiful rugs, quilts, pillows, throws, you name it! I love that she understands the intricacies of textiles and curates each piece with precision.Here are a few of my favorites:1002784_288993527913968_1561566674_n1186132_331025020377485_424735301_nIMG_4883_4photo (8)If you're a lover of interior design, check out Kera's shop. You won't be disappointed.miss lucy


Pampered Pearls Event: THANK YOU


Weekend at a Glance: What an Adventure #77