In 2010

Yay! It's New Year's Eve and my very first post!

Well, first off, my name is Lucy and this blog is my year long project. I was inspired to do this after watching the movie Julie & Julia. One of the characters, Julie Powell, decides to cook 524 recipes in 365 days from Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking book. After watching the movie, I realized how simple it really is to bring my dreams into actualization. I am challenging myself to take one picture a day for 365 days.

I graduated from college with a Bachelor's degree in Communication, hoping to pursue photojournalism but not putting any effort to get the work done outside of my school work. Seven months later, I'm still in the same position: direction-less. I know this is not the place that God wants me to be so I'm going to work on my destiny.

My desire is to create photos that are worthy of being examined beyond the obvious. In, 2010, I aspire to use my creativity to produce respectable work. I hope that you will see the way I see the world through my eyes.

SEE you next year.



Happy New Year!!!


Small Objects Project