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I love target

For the first time, I had President's Day off from work. Sleep in, rolled around in bed, watched tv. Totally bummed it. Later on, my friend and I went to see The Vow. Ummmm...LOVED IT!

  1. I heart Romantic Comedies
  2. CHANNING TATUM is ridiculously gorgeous
  3. Rachel McAdams is one of my girl crushes

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8swF2-R6X9A]After that, we went to Target.It's no secret how I feel about Target. I love it. I'm there at least twice a week. Sometimes because I need something and other times because the bull's eye lured me in. And yes, I'm aware of the marketing and advertising ploy at Target to lure consumers in. Leave me alone with my demon. I'll seek help later.Anywho. I got to the journals section and went completely ham. I have a HUGE stash of notebooks/journals/sticky notes etc at home. I can't get enough of them. So I bought some more. On sale of course. I've also fallen back in love with pencils. Not the mechanical ones. Don't be jealous.Can I say how IN LOVE I am with the new display at Target?! AWESOME.Get excited!!!