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He is Just a Man

Unless you've been ignoring Twitter yesterday and not watching the news or listening to the radio, you may not have heard about the latest scandal to hit yet another man in the church ministry. I haven't read much on it but all I can say is that I'm not surprised. Prominent leader at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Lithonia, Georgia, Bishop Eddie Long is up against some serious allegations. According to WSBTV," Three men have come forward accusing Long of coercing them into a sexual relationship."

Three defendants charge that Long used his mega-church position to build a strong personal bond with them, by taking them on trips and giving them lavish gifts. They said the church leader convinced them that sex with him was part of a healthy spiritual life. They also have claimed that Long violated his legal responsibility as a spiritual adviser. Long adamantly denies the allegations. [Source]

My thoughts:I've never heard a sermon by Long in my whole life. I'm not a member of his congregation. I'm not familiar with his style of preaching or teaching. I don't even remember what his voice sounds like.  So I can't in the least bit vouch for him on this. All I have is facts. These facts suggest that Bishop Long is in for a long drueling process.  It's not looking too good for him at all.I made a series of comments on the matter via Twitter yesterday because there were a great deal of people that felt that the Bishop is wrong. Others, I would call them members, are skeptical or down right against believing any of the allegations.My thing is this: Why is it that we put so much faith in man? Why don't we realize that as humans, we all make mistakes, no matter how high one is in status? Why are people blind to the fact that Long is JUST a man? I don't understand why pastors, bishops, priests, etc, are held at such a high regard, as if they are perfect and blameless. We see these leaders and we assume that their closet is void of cobwebs when in reality, they deal with the most because so many people look up to them. They have an image to uphold.I'm not at all surprised by these accusations. What raises an eyebrow is why Long didn't think this would come to light, if it IS true. I'm not excusing or downplaying the situation because if he is proven guilty, he really should pay the price. But there is always two sides of a story and that story is still in its development stage. All I can do is hope and pray that it is not true, not for me, but for his following. Some people would rather turn their heads than believe facts that are placed before them.My questions to you are:

  • Do you think the Bishop is guilty or innocent?
  • If guilty, how will this affect Longs ministry? Will his members flee?
  • If innocent, do you think things will go back to normal?

Remember: Judge not, lest ye be judged. Matthew 7:1