[GIVEAWAY - CLOSED] the four agreements

I've read a lot of books that have shook me up inside and most recently, that has been The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. It's a quick but poignant and necessary read. I felt it in my heart to give this to one of you, my faithful readers, as a gift. I know it blessed me tons so I want to share the knowledge.


My favorite agreement is the third one: don't make assumptions. We're always assuming how we think others perceive us. You and your friend no longer speak for some reason. You begin to think of all of the things you could have done wrong. Or maybe you think that because someone doesn't agree with your way of thinking, that they have something against you personally. Based off of what evidence? None whatsoever.

"We make an assumption, we misunderstand, we take it personally, and we end up creating a whole big drama for nothing.""We make all sorts of assumptions because we don't have the courage to ask questions."

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-qdH4C38LI]Like I said before, this book is a quick and easy read and I'd love to share it with one of you.So.In order to get this gift, I would love if you would share one instance where you made an assumption in a situation, was proven wrong and how you resolved the issue. Leave your [brief] story in the comment section. I will randomly pick a number. Whichever comment lands on that number, gets the book. Giveaway ends [NEXT] Friday, the 16th. Don't forget to share the love.Can't wait to read  your comments! :)miss lucy


Sunny delights


Self-Awareness is a Lost Art