Fresh start.

I struggled for a while trying to define my blog when deep down, I really didn't want to conform. It didn't feel natural. But I thought I needed to have a niche, like everyone else. I thought that to make it in this blogging business, I needed to be an expert at one specific thing. And maybe that is the case for some bloggers. And yes, I'd like to master some things. But the fact is, I am a lifestyle blogger. I blog life, lol. That's a damn hard thing to define. Some of the bloggers that I find to be the most inspiring are just amazing at creating beautiful things. And that's what I do. No need to define. It just is.So anyway. On to technicalities.If you've ever tried to design your site on your own without any prior knowledge of CSS or HTML, you know what kind of HELL it is. I'm somewhat of a perfectionist when a project has my name on it. I'd much rather not put anything out than half ass my own shit. So instead of just tossing stuff on here, I'm pacing myself. Bear with me, y'all!Quick tutorial of minor changes.If you'll take a gander at the menu above my custom header *Vanna White exaggerated point*, you'll notice that I added a few tabs. I will primarily be focusing on these topics (if you couldn't tell from my posts already). I have an extremely difficult time functioning within dysfunction, hence why I created a rubric of sorts for myself. And now...A preview to what is to come:-a new weekly (3 days - m/w/f) posting schedule-guest posts-interviews-new finds and reviewsKeeping it simple, keeping it sweet.Until then, I'll still be posting on my other social media accounts. Follow if you dare.Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING MY SHIT!!! See you in a week. :)ml


70th annual golden globe awards

