FBFF: Color Me Bad
1. What color dominates your closet? Hmmm...good question. I am a HUGE fan of bold colors but I think black dominates my closet because it's so easy to match with and it looks good on everyone.2. If money weren't an issue how would you change the color emphasis in your closet? Well! I'd buy every color ever created! I'd organize my closet from brightest to lightest. It would be a festival/carnival in my closet.3. What is your mantra about mixing colors?The more, the merrier! Seriously, I mix colors that may not make sense to everyone else. Purple and yellow are my favorite colors and you can find me wearing my favorite sweater and favorite shirt in a lot of my pictures.4. For you, how do you incorporate color into your outfits? I usually like to keep my main articles of clothing plain and accesorize with color. Whether it is my shoes, handbag, sweater, etc. Something always has to make the outfit pop.5. Which blogger(s) do you think do a good job of incorporating color into their wardrobe?I love love LOVE Kendi at Kendi Everyday! Her style of dress is what I dream of. I really love this example of how she used two bold colors and toned them down a bit with darker hues of brown. She also does an AWESOME job of remixing clothes that she already has to create new outfits. Love her!
Click on the link to view the rest of her outfit.So many of the fashion bloggers I follow wear tights from We Love Colors. Can't wait to try them out. After all, I love colors, too.Check out what other bloggers are saying this week at Modly Chic!