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Exhibitionist much?

So it just dawned on me.....I've been labeling my posts by days when this is not a 30 day challenge, it is a 30 outfit challenge. DUH! Clearly I'm on day 10 now. But I skip some days so I will now be referring to each post by outfit. This is outfit 8. I'm not even gonna bother and correct my previous posts. Editing takes too long. God bless those that do this for a living.Anyway, I think this was my most favorite post so far because I got to use my tripod outside. Yesterday, I was on my way to get my free HIV screening (be on the look out for my HIV post for National HIV Testing Day: June 27) when my friend tells me that they've stopped testing for the day. I was literally in traffic for an hour before reaching the hospital. I was not a very happy camper. So I ended up staying in the parking lot taking pictures. Of course, one person had to ask if I was doing a photo shoot -_____-. It was fun, despite the rain.