Day 9: Naptime

Whoever said naps are only for that special time during preschool when you shut off all the lights, lay on the floor mate sunggled in your favorite blankie,was LYING. Naptime has got to be the best time of a 9-5-ers day. Think about it: We work long hours, sometimes more than what we get paid. Then we have to attempt at also have a life, eating, stressing over bills that we're living paycheck to paycheck to pay. NEED I TO CONTINUE OR DO Y'ALL FEEL ME?!I just took a nice little siesta. So good my body hurts from switching from my left and right side so many times. So good that I woke up three hours later. So good that I'm only getting up to wash my hair, sit under the dryer, eat some food, and jump right in bed. No phone calls. No tv. No emails. Ok, maybe a little Twitter while I wait for my hair to dry. But nothing else!!!!Mkay?


Day 10: Life


Day 8: SHOES