Day 5: The conversation

Tonight, I went to the birthday party of a friend and amazing artist, Tamara Natalie Madden. She is also a kidney transplant survivor. Google her!Anyway, while having a group conversation about why black women are so angry (long story), a gentleman was called in to comment since he has experience dating white women. After that group convo ended, he and I continued speaking. I didn't know it was so surprising to find a woman in Atlanta that is single, doesn't have any children, has her own place, car and job. And doesn't depend on a man to supply her of those things.To make a long story short, it was refreshing to have that dialogue going with someone I just met. He seems like a pretty cool dude too. I love a good and smooth conversation. :)


Day 6: Book worm


Day 4: P.S. I Love You