Confessions of a shopaholic

I've come to terms with an addiction that I've been battling with for quite some time. It hurts my heart to say it but I'm addicted to shopping. I shop every pay period. It is a stress reliever and makes me feel good. But I'm at a point in my life where I need to have a savings. Sadly, I don't have a dime in savings. I have four bank accounts and I use them all the time. Thankfully I do not have credit card debt but not having any savings is just as bad to me.So I've decided to put myself on a restriction for FOUR months. Starting November 1st, my goals are:To have at LEAST $100 saved after each pay period.To not spend over $50 per pay period shopping. If I don't use it at all, that's a #win.So basically I'll have a $200 budget for four months. I'm actually gonna take the money out and keep it in my wallet each pay period so that I won't go over. The debit card is too easy an access.To help me stay on track, I will be blogging my weekly progress. (Something about putting it online that makes it more of a challenge to keep). I follow this blog called My Pretty Pennies and the young lady does a Weekly Money Check Up that I'd like to emulate.At the end of every week (Saturday), I will post her five questions.The first four questions are always the same, but the 5th is different every week.1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on _____.2. Today I feel _______towards money.3. Money can’t buy happiness. One free/inexpensive thing I did last week that made me happy was_____________.4. I will consider this week a success if I _____________.5. My first job was ____________________.If you're unsure if you're a shopaholic (OH YOU KNOW GOOD AND WELL YOU ARE!), take this quiz I took. I got a 48. Bad bad girl. And then hopefully you'll want to change your spending habits as well. Wish me luck. This is going to be VERY difficult. You don't understand. Shopping gives me LIFE! This means I must get creative with the clothing I already have. And all the fashion blogs I follow.....gosh. Kill me now. Ok, I must do it. No complaining.So long excessive shopping.....


30 days of truth: day nineteen


30 days of truth: day eighteen