Black swan (swan lake)

I've always wanted to be a dancer, specifically ballet. In college, I took a jazz dance class. To warm up, we would practice ballet stretching exercises. Plie, eleve, tendu, and rond de jambe are some of the positions that we would do each class period. So naturally, I wanted to see Black Swan but the trailer FREAKED me out! How could ballet be scary?! But OMG...I missed half of the movie. I won't spoil it for those of you who haven't seen it yet but it definitely is a MUST SEE. Why?1. The ballet, of course. Beautifully directed by Darren Aronofsky.2. The music. If you love classical music, you'll enjoy ballet. Not only that, but the arrangement of the music. *Shout out to my people with an ear for great sound production* I swear at one point of the movie, I heard the beginning chords of Kanye West's song, Runaway. If you haven't watched his short film, watch it now! I found a lot of similarities between Kanye's recent song/short film, Runaway and this film. PLEASE TELL ME SOMEONE ELSE SAW IT TOO!!! Oh and P.S., Kanye West is an amazing artist. *shout out to all you Kanye's out there* ;-*3. The story. In the movie, the story of Swan Lake is briefly foreshadowed by the dance instructor and sets the tone for the entire film. So you can't possibly get confused. :)4. The cast. The main character played by Natalie Portman did an excellent job at developing her character and having a complete metamorphosis by the end of the film. There were many scenes that made you feel a little uncomfortable. It definitely toyed with my emotions.5. The meaning/moral. Again, I don't want to spoil it for anyone but it weighed heavily on themes of control, obsession, jealousy, power, sensuality/sexuality and passion.The reason I loved this movie because a lot of the themes and emotions are felt when you are dancing. There's a connection made with...the universe and your body. It's an emotional and freeing feeling. I felt that passion in the movie. I have to watch it again because some parts I just didn't watch but don't be a baby like me, ok?



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