Awkward poses make for the best photographs
In my mind, it goes something like this: smile with your eyes, pucker your lips, chin down, shoulders angled, head tilted. BAM. Le perfect photo. Vogue on em. But, not so much. More like: blank stare, crooked fingers, broken leg and forced smile. It's in trying to create the perfect photo that I always fail. The pictures I end up loving the most are never planned. So, lets give these poses some awkward names, shall we?THE SURFER. Like here, I almost fell. I don't even remember what pose I was going for but I was definitely about to make out with the concrete.
THE UNDER ARREST. Clearly, the cops were coming for me.
THE UNSURE. For when you don't know what to do with your hands or your legs.
THE LOOK-AWAY. Oh, hey. I'll just talk to myself and pretend I don't know you're taking my picture, while I play with my curls.
THE FLASH. This starts off as The Look-away, then on the count of three, you quickly snap because that smile will soon be forced through clenched teeth. I apologize for that gut. I was trying to accentuate my ASSets.
THE STIFF. I try to give you sexy but it comes out constipated.However awkward some poses may be, I love them because it shows the individual in the moment. As the viewer, you can create your own story about what is transpiring.What are you go to awkward poses? I need some more, please!