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And bless the broken

Last night was my first official small group meeting where we share bits and pieces from our personal lives. We talked about three key people, events and places that are worth mentioning to the group. And I must say that indeed, everyone has a story to tell.God knew what he was doing when he formed my group. We didn't have the right number of people to form it but it is perfect. And we all have something in common: lonely/broken hearts. One of my group members spoke on how she has nothing to complain about: great family and friends, cool career but that she was lonely. She got emotional mentioning that and it brought a few of us to tears because we could relate. At that moment, I felt deeply connected to her.There's something comforting about being surrounded by people that can't judge you based on your past. They don't know every detail of your story and perhaps it's best that way. Now I will say that I'm not big on showcasing emotions but her vulnerability touched me. I realized how conflicting and confusing loneliness can be. It makes you doubt who you are and what you are capable of. It manifests in disastrous ways and that saddens me.I wholeheartedly empathize with every young lady in my group going through their period of brokenness and/or loneliness (or anyone else). Thank goodness the feeling doesn't last forever.[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Evzu3w334RI&feature=share]