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30 for 30 remix challenge

I haven't really shopped like I wanted to this year and I'm okay with that. I want to take it a step further and see how creative I can be with the clothes I already own. I pride myself in being able to make my old clothes look new by simply pairing them in different ways. Only this time I will document how many outfits I can create without adding more clothes to my closet. That's 30 items to create 30 outfits in 30 (or more) days.I plan on participating in Kendi's 30 for 30 remix challenge. It's very popular in the fashion blogger community. She goes on to explain that it is not a 30 day challenge, it is a 30 outfit challenge. So no need to feel as if you need to crunch everything in one month. And whether you spend or not during the challenge is entirely up to you.All of the clothes I'm using are old. I didn't purchase anything new for this challenge. I simply picked all the items that I seem to wear all the time. I didn't try to plan outfits ahead of time so this should be interesting.I think this will be fun. I end up wearing the same clothes all the time anyway so this is a perfect way to display how I keep my clothes interesting. Here are the items I've decided to use:

  • 13 tops
  • 4 dresses
  • 4 shoes
  • 9 bottoms


If you'd like to participate as well, I challenge you to do so, especially if you like to shop a lot. It may not be too late to add your blog to her site but if it is, click on the links above for instructions and do your own thing. Kendi begins on Monday, June 13th and so will I. You can add a link to your blog on her site here.