30 days of truth: day twenty-three

Day 23 → Something you wish you had done in your life.I wish I would have pursued dance. One of the many things I wanted to be growing up was a ballerina. I love the agility of dancers. They are able to express emotions though their fluid movements.I took a jazz dance class sophomore year of college and it was so much fun. It reminded me why I love The Alivn Ailey American Dance Theater. With dance, you don't hold back how you're feeling. Sometimes there aren't any words to describe some emotions. They can only be interpreted.Maybe one day when I have time, I can take some classes.Definitely look up The Alvin Ailey performance calendar and see when they will be in your town next. They will be performing in Atlanta at the Fox Theatre February 10-13 2011.PSA: Support the Arts in our schools!!!!!!!!




30 days of truth: day twenty-two