30 days of truth: day twenty

Day 20 → Your views on drugs and alcohol.I love wine. Love. But I'm not addicted to wine. If it came to a point where alcohol was visibly affecting my life and those around me, I would have to stop drinking it. I know, hard to say to an addict. But when drugs and alcohol affect others, there is a problem. I've seen some angry drunks and it is not a pretty sight. My thing is, know your limit. If you want to have a good time and push your limit, make sure that there is someone WHO IS NOT ALSO DRUNK  there to take care of you. Someone who will not allow you to drink and drive and therefore putting other people at risk.April 18, 2010, someone who I knew lost her life in a drunk driving accident. Every time I think about it, I find myself in disbelief. How could a student teacher die seven days short of her 22nd birthday? How could she die one month short of her college graduation? Out of the four people in the car, why was it her that had to lose her life??? It broke my heart to see her buried in her graduation gown. A life taken away too soon and for senseless reasons.When I think of her, I think of the effects of alcohol and drugs and I'm inclined to say, BE CAREFUL. You never know how your actions will affect those surrounding you.Birthdays were never a fun time for me anyway but now every time my birthday, our birthday comes around, my heart will be a little heavy. It's not about me anymore. It never was about me. I cry for her. I cry for her family. And I cry for those that have lost their lives. People, just be careful out there.Rest in peace Angel.


Weekend at a Glance: Art+Sole+Life #6


30 days of truth: day nineteen