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30 days of truth: day thirteen

Day 13 → A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough ass days. (write a letter.)Eek! This is too hard to narrow down one band or artist so I'll mix it.Dear Music,You know I love you. Like, for real. I love your love music. Maybe it's easier to love you because you always have the right words to say to me. Music of the 90's are my preferred choice. Brings back so manly comforting memories of a time when I was carefree and uninhibited.For instance, every.single.Boyz II Men song always works. I may not even be in a tough time but their lyrics always spoke volumes. One of the songs I wore OUT at the beginning of the year was Never. Matter of fact, let me play it now (see what you did!!!). I mean I played that song out. Over and over. I wrote the lyrics on Twitter, Facebook and BBM. OD, I know. It was like speaking words of affirmation into until I truly believed the lyrics. And I do :)[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVJwrkPQ-Yk]Oh and I can't forget the man who came waaaay before B2M. This man is iconic and legendary but no longer with us but his music will live on forever. I can't remember when I first heard this song or why it's my favorite song of his but it just makes me feel bubbly inside. I'm a huge daydreamer so I can imagine that being played at my wedding (if that happens). That song is Here and Now by Luther Vandross. My absolutely favorite Luther song.[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u_u4nlYmNs&ob=av2n]Thank you for hope,Lucy