30 days of truth: day seven
Day 07 → Someone who has made your life worth living for.Anyone that really knows me knows that I don't like getting emotional. I absolutely hate crying. It makes me feel weak. I hate when I can't get my words out. So most times, I stifle my emotion especially around people and handle all of that in the comfort of my boudoir. Lol. But for real, some things are just emotional for me to even type. Talking about my mom is one of those things.I come from a lineage of very strong women. Whether the men were there or not, the women got the work done. My mom has always been a consistent worker. *here we go with these damn tears in my eyes* I seriously wanted to be superwoman when I grew up just to be like her. I remember always staying at her job at the nursing home while she worked the 3-11pm shift. Eating my dinner in the back room. Or other times if I was home, staying up to hear the elevator at 11:30pm to make sure she got in before I went to bed. My mom wasn't like the other typical Haitian mothers. She used reasoning, rationalization and communication to get to me and my siblings. Very Americanized.I remember when my mother's mother passed away last year. I will never forget my mother's strength. When everyone was falling apart, she was the rock. She spoke clear and proudly of her mother at the funeral. I would have been a MESS. I actually was. My grandmother was everything. I still have trouble acknowledging her death.When I graduated college, it was more for my parents than for me. All of my friends of refugee parents understand, their journey to this country was a challenge. And all they want for their children is for them to succeed. So they work hard in order for us to have a good life. I appreciate that. I will never take that for granted. And I will not disappoint them. I owe my life to both of my parents. My mom though, she's a warrior.