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30 days of truth: day nineteen

Day 19 → What do you think of religion? Or what do you think of politics?Sigh....religion is a TOUGH topic for me because I'm currently in a transition phase with it. I was raised Seventh Day Adventist but I honestly can't tell you what that really means. I can tell you what most people my age recite: we don't eat pork, we don't wear jewelry, we don't drink alcohol, we're modest in dress, we don't go out on Friday nights and we worship on the Sabbath: Saturday. Maybe it's only me that can recite all of these things without thought. But they are lies. I don't follow these rules. I like pork bacon and shrimp. Weekly sips of white wine make me happy. I don't attend church every week. I hang out with my friends on Friday nights. I wear jewelry and will probably get my ears pierced soon. I show my skin every now and again (I'm such an effin lady). But the main point of my drawn out soliloquy, is that despite me breaking all the rules, I love God. He called me to love His people and to treat everyone right. He called me to speak of Him. He called me to live a just life. That's what I'm doing. I love God. He loves me. Every thing else about religion distracts me. I'm comforted by the fellowship but they can't save me (salvation is personal). I love my parents but they can't save me (I will never forget the foundation of their teachings). When We All Get To Heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be. Read your Bible and follow its command. That's the short version of how I feel.Politics: bore me.Thank you.Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.