30 days of truth: day four

Day 04 → Something you have to forgive someone for.Geez, these questions are having a therapy vibe to them!Ok.Sigh. Ok. Lol. *twiddling thumbs*Well I haven't gotten to the forgiving part (because I'm still upset and I can't force forgiveness just for the sake of forgiving). But I know that I have a forgiving spirit so I know it will come.About a month ago I had a falling out with a friend. I considered him my best friend actually. FYI: don't fall in love with your best friend if the feelings aren't mutual. Umkay? THANKS. Anywho, it was a fiasco. Looking back on it, I really wished I had a camera crew to record my antics. Basically I need to forgive him for being selfish. Ironically enough, I'm a very selfish person (don't crucify me please) but not when it came to him. I need to forgive him for keeping me in a place where he really should have let me go long ago. Keeping me in a place of confusion and fairy tale. And that's all I'm saying.I'm really considering hitting back space for about a minute but...isn't this what blogging is for? I hope no one reads this. I know he doesn't read my blog so that's good. So this little confession is between me and my faithful nine subscribers. I heart you.Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.


30 days of truth: day five


30 days of truth: day three